
Adding More Scenes Joining Two Movies

Opening Web Pages

This tutorial demonstrates how open new web pages from a movie. Create a new movie and add a button.

Opening Web Pages 1

Add the following script to the 'On Click' event of the button. You can use any URL you like.


Export the movie to HTML.

Export Export

Opening Web Pages 3

Press the button to open the web page.

Opening Web Pages 4

The web page replaces the movie. If you want the web page top replace the test page you need to use the function GetTopUrl.


Opening Web Pages 6

Add a 'Web Page' object to your movie, and set it's script Id to WebPage.

Opening Web Pages 7

Change the script in the button so the web page opens inside the 'Web Page'.


Export Export

Opening Web Pages 9

Other functions are available for opening web pages in new windows and other iframes.

Adding More Scenes Joining Two Movies